About The Refuge Spangdahlem
The Refuge is a family of believers who love Jesus and each other! It is a place where lives are transformed, relationships are restored, and destiny is discovered!
Our Hearts’ Desire
Our hearts’ desire is to see every person who comes to The Refuge saved, set free, and set on fire to live for God’s glory and honor! We desire to see every Christian live this full, abundant life Jesus came to give us!
We desire and pray that every person who attends The Refuge will develop a personal, passionate, and growing love relationship with Jesus! It is in this relationship that He reveals His desire for our lives and we begin to live lives of purpose, joy, and peace.
Our Goal
Our goal is for the lives, marriages, and families of all who attend The Refuge Spangdahlem to demonstrate Christ to the world that we might win the world to Christ!

About Pastor Gary & Theresa
Our ministry vision is simple; Introduce the lost to the Savior, Jesus Christ. Help the saved
discover their calling. Equip the saints to fulfill that calling and send as they deploy to the
next duty station where they will introduce the lost to The Savior….and the cycle repeats. In
short, make disciples who make disciples.
We have a passion for the literacy of God’s Word in the Church. We believe that God’s
Word is perfect, infallible, and inspired. We believe The Bible is ONE love letter, with ONE
message, about ONE person, Jesus, inspired by ONE Holy Spirit from Geneses to Revelation.
The Bible is not just another good book, His Word is Life. We believe that offering verse-by-
verse, chapter-by-chapter in-depth studies of the Bible will ignite a passion for His Word
amongst believers, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
We believe in an honest and true worship. Not hyped up with gimmicks, concerts, and “feel
good” theology. We trust God when life throws us a curve ball and praise Him with joy
when we hit it out of the park. We tackle the hard questions that life introduces, so our
members are not building foundations that crumble when life doesn’t go as planned.
We believe in providing a firm foundation for the children to build their faith on. We believe
Deuteronomy 6:7 is clear when it states “…teach [His Word] diligently to your children…”
We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and we believe in the power of prayer. We
believe that God still heals, and we strongly believe that God is still in the miracle business.
But most importantly we believe that God gives people new starts. A clean slate. A new
beginning. We believe (no, we KNOW) God meets you where you are.
For more information about Pastor Gary and Theresa click here.
“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”
Psalm 63:3
“Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.”
Psalm 150:2